Dr. Robert Wuertz enjoyed a thirty-year career with the U.S. Government, working with developing countries on a wide variety of economic governance activities and leading USAID organizations. Sustainable development has always been a focus for Dr. Wuertz. In USAID/Washington, he led the Office of Economic Policy, whose purpose was to increase the use of analysis throughout USAID, and extend the use of Cost Benefit Analysis and Cost Effectiveness Analysis to environmental activities.
Prior to joining USAID, Dr. Wuertz developed energy expertise while working on the worldwide energy outlook at Exxon, and deepened his understanding during his work in Saudi Arabia while working for the U.S. Treasury. However, Dr. Wuertz has also learned how regulation operates from the inside, by participating in rate setting at the state level in the USA. Upon moving to USAID, he used that knowledge as a jumping off point when working with developing countries, where prices were frequently set for social purposes rather than efficiency but often achieved neither objective. He helped governments adjust energy prices and develop Low Emissions Development Strategies. In his role as manager of USAID activities, he led teams that promoted sustainable agriculture and addressed climate change. He has worked in Ghana, Egypt, the Philippines, Pakistan, Iraq (where he was Deputy Mission Director), and Macedonia (as Mission Director). Dr. Wuertz earned a BA in economics at Cornell University and a Ph.D., also in economics, from the University of Virginia.